Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Dark Energy, Dark Matter -May 2011

Dark Energy, Dark Matter is an article which was published by NASA.

Link: http://science.nasa.gov/astrophysics/focus-areas/what-is-dark-energy/

Please allow my humble reply:

Amazing universe, right?

To tell you the truth; I sometimes think that all of our universe is part of something much bigger. Think of the dishes and objects that you put on a transparent tablecloth. when you move the tablecloth, all the objects move, and for an observer standing on the transparent tablecloth the effect is inexplicable unless he fills the gaps in his knowledge with mysterious factors.

Or think about a 4th dimension (-or 5th in case you consider time the 4th!) -Can you imagine it? I barely can simulate it or project the idea to a comprehensible image in my perceived world. what if this 4th dimension is connecting 2 very distant points of our perceived universe?

Our explanation of the universe is open up to all possibilities.. it's not wrong to discover and experiment, at the opposite, it's a fantastic human characteristic, but we should realize and confess how much we are negligible in term of power and knowledge.

But as the bible tell us we are most precious in God's view to the extent he deals with us on the basis of a father to children relationship.
We are one of the most precious things in existence.

By the way; the above is a prayer glorifying God and confessing his love to us and my love to him. Really! most of the times I pray like this!


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