Monday, November 14, 2005

Are we alone?

Are we alone in “Our World”? Or shall we say “This World”? This is a question that people always ask and think of. Personally, I don’t know for sure, but I feel it's very probable that we are not alone.

One thing we learn every day, especially if we look at the last 100 years, that we discovered things never thought of before, even by Jules Vern and Leonardo Da Vinci. Every day some amazing discoveries are been made!

So it is very possible that one day we will suddenly listen on the news that we will be visited by aliens. Or another more interesting scenario: “Live on CNN” Aliens are in a press conference in the United Nations headquarter. These are nice, peaceful and “romantic” scenarios.

Scientific scenarios includes: Signals been detected, many light years away, so the first “Hi, We are here” conversations would take many years!

But the most logical scenario is that outer space civilization been watching us for thousands of years. They have super fast ships, or they can travel long distances by using Universe Worms which enables them by applying some theories in Physics to travel very long distances in a fraction of a second!

This is the most reasonable scenario, in my opinion of course.

I think that a very advanced civilization would not come and show itself on television, at least not before, relatively speaking, humans would attain a minimal degree of civilization. I am not saying that it must be advanced as theirs but at least we should have the minimal requirements to be able to interact with them.

Possibly they would remain invisibly watching us and possibly interfering with life on earth without we notice. Why would they watch and interfere!? The answer is easy: In labs as well as in nature, why we watch other species on earth and interfere with them!? Answering why we do this might give us answer to why advanced aliens would do this to us.

Now let’s consider that in this advanced civilization there is an individual reasoning as I am doing in this article. He would come to a conclusion that there is another greater civilization watching his. Where this recursive thinking would end!? Only God knows! I am not saying “Only God knows” because I don’t know. No. It’s really because I want to consider the possibility of a civilization which is outer universe, this mean from a universe outside ours watching everybody. Umhhh… This reasoning seems endlessly recursive.

Ok, I will stop here but I want to say that for sure I know about one kingdom that is watching us; the kingdom of God.

We know very well that the kingdom of God is watching us and interfering with our life on earth for Good.

Referring to the first sentence, at the beginning of this article, it’s easy and logical to conclude that, whatever we were alone or not it’s our world anyway.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Long time didn't write

It's been a long time since I wrote something on Blogger. I feel sorry about this coz for sure I missed a lot. I missed telling things that I want to tell... but better late then never. I will be writing something interesting soon. So be back.